Linked with Conversion Diary 7 Quick Takes
1. We still have a lot of sodas left over from my daughter's birthday party. I have found myself drinking two or three a day. God please grant me self-control.
2.As I've mentioned before, I really like the Divine Liturgy at my local Melkite Catholic parish. I've been going there every Sunday since about last May or June. I really think I'm talk to the priest there at the one year mark and see about becoming Melkite Catholic.
3. Anyone have any good recipes for Friday vegetarian dishes?
4. Windows Vista actually works on Chuck Norris's computer.
5. Does anyone happen to know any romantic places to go in the Augusta, GA area?
6. I used to blog very regularly, but now its seems like I never have anything to say. I almost forget I have it. I wish I could come up with more to say, but I'm just not that clever.
7. TGIF!
May God bless all who read my ramblings,

Adopt A Catholic Blog
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