Does anyone else find themselves still watching their child(ren)'s show after they have gone to bed?
I don't know about anywhere else but the only day people around here seem to boycott Chick-fil-A is on Sunday.
Because people only seem to visit from Conversion Diary when you have weird picture to catch someone's eye:
Did you know that you can direct Google to search only a specific site. You type in site:sitename. For example, site:50daysafter.blogspot.com will only search my blog.
The Coronation of Mary stained glass window at St Mary on the Hill Catholic Church in Augusta, GA. I like that God the Father is portrayed as only a hand in the upper window.
Is it just me or do most blogs seem to slow down in the summer and pick back up during the school year?
I can never seem to come up with something to say for the last post. I thought about the Chick-fil-A controversy, but I was done with high school drama when I left high school. I thought about Newland v Sebelius but there's nothing new in the last week or so. This will just have to be the post about nothing.
Blessed be Jesus Christ true God and true Man!
May God bless all who read my ramblings,

Adopt A Catholic Blog
I do look for good pictures over at Jen's! However, I clicked on yours because your blog title reminded me of a zombie movie.
Which is a good thing, since I really like zombie movies.
But your pictures are hilarious. I'm not sure which one is better. I'd suggest doing a Photoshop mashup of the two, but probably that would make connections between the subjects that would be disastrous.
I'd never thought about that but my blog title does sound a bit like 28 Days Later. 50 Days After is actually a reference to Pentecost.
I'm glad you like my pictures. Thanks for visiting.
The picture drew me in. I usually use my own picture because I stand out as a man doing Quick Takes; but this week I'm trying a cutesy clip art and we'll see if I get more or less traffic...
Cheryl and I once caught ourselves turning on the Backyardigans after the kids were asleep, but only because it was the bluegrass episode.
nice post...
funny photos- thanks for the tip to get people to MY blog from conversion diary ;)
I came to your blog as I was looking for a picture of the Coronation window at St. Mary on the Hill. Bl. John Duns Scotus is depicted to Our Lady's left, and my husband has asked his intercession for healing from his major surgery. Thanks for posting it. See? It was not a post about nothing. You did it so I could show my friends on Facebook the photo. ;-) God bless you.
Thank you, Unknown. Indeed, everything does happen for a reason. I did not know that was Bl John Duns Scotus. You learn something new everyday. I hope your husband has recovered. God bless you and your marriage. God grant you many years!
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