- The floors are being redone in our parish. So for the next little while we are celebrating the Divine Liturgy at the Coptic Church in town. Apparently they don't have a resident priest so they only celebrate their Divine Liturgy every other Saturday. I've noticed that all the icons set outdoors are in the desert. I've also noticed that St Mark (the first Patriarch of Alexandria) and the Holy Family traveling to Egypt are recurring themes in their icons.
- I made a list of 100 places that I want to visit. I realized the other day that I've already been to 5 of them since I wrote the list. Only 95 more to go.
- I think the next place on the list will be Vicksburg, MS. I really enjoy American history and also military history. That and its the closest of those left.
- Maybe on the way over I'll stop in and see the place where EWTN is filmed.
- I'm still debating on whether or not to change my rite of ascription and become a Melkite Catholic. I have fallen in love with the Divine Liturgy and Eastern Christian Spirituality, but I wonder sometimes if I am too impulsive.
- Everything looks good to own a house later this month!
- I am thinking about taking a vacation in May to Minnesota. Its kinda random, but I want to see Lake Itasca, the source of the Mississippi. Its #86 on my 100 places list.
May God bless all who read my ramblings,

Adopt A Catholic Blog
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