- I saw an article this morning that archaeologists in Turkey have found what they believe is St Phillip the Apostle's tomb. I already posted on it, but I wanted to mention it again here. I hope it turns out to be true.
- I've started seeing ads for the next episode of Doctor Who and it looks amazing! I can't wait to see it in late August!
- I'm thinking about a vacation. I'm thinking either northern Minnesota or Vicksburg. Why one of those two random places? There both on my list of places to visit someday.
I really like this image. I have always liked the Eucharistic symbolism of the bird cutting itself open with its beak, sacrificing itself so it's children may eat and live.
5. I've also thought that it would make for a great new tattoo.
6.Please pray for Father Ly's release. He's still imprisoned by the Communist goverment of Vietnam.
7. "He who testifies to these things says, 'Surely I am coming soon.' Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!" Revelation 22:20
May God bless all who read my ramblings,

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