2. Another clip from the next episode. This clip has an awkward ending. I can't wait to see this episode!
3. Just one more clip about the upcoming episode:
4. I read about St Maximus the Confessor the other day. He wrote the earliest known biography of Mary.
5. I live in Augusta, GA and found out a couple of weeks ago that a priest from here was going to travel to St Gertrude's Monastery in Idaho, just a few miles from where I am from. I was amazed that of all the places, he was going there.
I got a call the other night from my Mom. Father had mentioned to one of the nuns that he knew me and she called my parents and invited them to lunch with Father. It sounds like everyone had a nice time.
6. I've been going to the local Spirit and Truth group here for three weeks. Each week we have adoration. Each week we since Christian pop songs the whole time. I take that back, twice we sang Tantum Ergo and prayed the Divine Praises once. I keep wishing that we could have adoration in silence to contemplate or at least to sing songs about the Eucharist to draw us into a deeper awareness of the majesty and wonder before us. Is this a valid point or am I just being snobbish?
7. Hooray for another weekend with my daughter! I love spending time with my little princess.
Thanks Jen for hosting 7 Quick Takes for another week.
May God bless all who read my ramblings,

Adopt A Catholic Blog
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