2. 114 days until Christmas.
3. 3 more days with my daughter.
4. I'm going back to school in the fall. I want to get a Master's in teaching.
5. Another new Doctor Who episode tomorrow! This one has a minotaur for some reason.
6. So far my daughter is still convinced that I am able to take her nose. I'm enjoying this stage of innocence while it lasts.
7. I was listening to this song while typing this post: Trace Adkins, "Just Fishin'"
May God bless all who read my ramblings,

Adopt A Catholic Blog
If only I could make my QT's this quick. :)
I've never been one for many words. I like Laerte's quote in Hamlet, "Brevity is the soul of wit."
Only 114 days til Christmas? Yikes! So not ready to be thinking about Christmas, it doesn't even feel like summer should be over yet! :)
I wish summer were over. 100s with 90+% humidity can stop any day now.
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