Saturday, May 19, 2007

5 Best Things About the Eucharist

1. "Man does not live by bread alone, but..."
The Real Presence is a physical form of the nourishment that comes from the Mouth of God. We do not live by bread alone, but, according to both Leviticus and Christ in the desert, we by every word that comes from the mouth of God.
2. You are what you eat
By receiving the Eucharist we rejoin ourselves to the Body of Christ. We become one with Christ and in doing so we become one with all other Christians receiving His Precious Body and Blood.
3. "I will be with you until the end of the age."
Christ never left us and indeed he also remains with us physically in the Eucharist. He is with us now just as he was when He preached in Israel.
4. Living breathing tabernacles
By receiving Christ in the Eucharist we become living breathing tabernacles. We walk around with Christ inside of us and the fire of His Love burning within.
5. The enormity of it all
God humbles Himself to appear to us as bread and wine. It has struck me many times how amazing it is for my hand or tongue to hold our Savior and that He has willed it that we should receive Him in such a humble form.

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