There was a little bit of hokiness and the train horn cutting in was distracting, but it was a great time and was very enjoyable. There was a great emphasis on the faithfulness of God. There was also a good bit of it that dealt with the faith of Noah and his family and the virtue of obedience to the Will of God despite whether we understand.
There was also a cover song of "Cry me a river".
I noticed at the end that as the waters receded, Shem presented his wife (forget her name) with a white garment. I'm not sure whether I'm over-thinking it or if that was meant as a subtle allusion to the story as a prefiguring of baptism.
I'd recommend you see it but last night was the last showing of that play.
I'm told however that there will soon be another play based on Jacob and Esau.
May God bless all who read my ramblings,
Adopt A Catholic Blog
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