Monday, February 18, 2008

Communion on the Tongue

As I waited for Mass to start yesterday, I watched the little kids practicing for their First Communion. The teacher told to receive the Eucharist on their non-dominant hand and to cross themselves after receiving Jesus.
I couldn't help but wonder though, why was there no mention of bowing before you received the host? and why was there no mention of receiving the host on your tongue? After all receiving the Eucharist on the tongue is the most reverent way to receive the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ. I think the teacher was doing the children a disservice by not telling them about receiving the Eucharist on the tongue. Then again, she may not know either.


Adrienne said...

She may not know is the correct answer. Sad, sad, sad:(

Anonymous said...

Of course they NEVER are told recieving on the tongue is an option...

And from there are never told HOW they could.

Ebeth said...

Signs of the times. We need to be re-educated. This teacher is most likely a "cradle" Catholic.