Friday, October 19, 2007

Traditional Anglich Church asks Rome for Union

That's right! The Traditional Anglican Communion has formally petitioned the Vatican for full union.
I read in an article that I found at Pewsitter.
From the article:
The College of Bishops of the Traditional Anglican Communion (TAC) recently petitioned for “full, corporate, sacramental union” with the Roman Catholic Church recently.
The appeal for union was debated during a meeting of bishops in Portsmouth, England during the first week of October. It was delivered in a letter, which was signed by all the bishops present. The letter was delivered personally to the Holy See by the Most Rev. John Hepworth, Primate of TAC, and two other bishops selected by the college...
With approximately 100 congregations in the U.S., the Anglican Church in America (ACA) is among the largest of several “Continuing Churches” which emerged from the Affirmation of St. Louis and the 1977 gathering of former Episcopalians and other Anglicans.
If it happens, and I pray that it will, this will be the first post-Reformation Church to rejoin the Catholic Church. Maybe it will lead many other Protestants across the Tiber.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great news indeed. One can only pray that this is simply a start to a wider conversion of our fallen brothers and sisters.